Some of the highlights of Tom's career included John Lennon's final televised interview, "Weird Al" Yankovic's first TV appearance, and, my personal favorite, a 1980 appearance by The Plasmatics lead singer Wendy O. Williams, who blew up a TV in the studio and disrupted a live broadcast of NBC Nightly News two floors above. I videotaped the Wendy O. incident and spoke with Tom about it during his ABC Radio show. Thanks to a person who shall remain nameless, that videotape was erased.
Two years ago, Tom closed his website,, but it is not forgotten. He was very gracious about answering e-mails and I appreciated his responses. I wish I would have printed and saved them.
Here's to you, Tom. "Fire up a colortini, sit back, relax, and watch the pictures, now, as they fly through the air."